受到COVID-19波及入境澳門有著層層把關,街道上依舊飄著濃濃的過節氣氛。 |
直到後來補看了王家衛的《重慶森林》,發現我住的這間很貼近電影場景,狹小的電梯空間、位於14高樓的住商混合,走到自己小房間的路上,會穿越多元文化的住戶,窗內的市井生活一覽無遺。 |
在TripAdvisor上找到了兩個徒步導覽,都來自The Hong Kong Free Tours舉辦,在艱困的時刻依舊風雨無阻,導遊請我們加入Telegram,以了解並更新香港抗爭活動的路段,如何趨吉避凶。
1.中央政府綜合體 - 中國承諾在憲法中實現民主進程,但為什麼不在2017年發生?什麼是傘運動以及為什麼它成為現在香港最敏感的話題?
2.添馬艦公園 - 1898年以後,英國殖民香港和香港的情況如何?為何香港回歸是在一九九七年,這是香港與中國之間的一次幸福的團聚?
3.人民解放軍大樓 - 什麼是一國兩制,以及中國為何向香港作出承諾? 1989年天安門廣場後發生了什麼,香港人去了哪裡?
4.市政廳 - 第二次世界大戰期間日本人在香港的佔領。中國如何說服英國在沒有兩國戰爭的情況下返回香港?
5.終審法院 - 香港真的有一國兩制嗎?北京政府用來控製香港的最終工具是什麼? 剩下的旅遊重點是中央商務區的發展。
6.匯豐與中國銀行之間的風水之戰 - 香港最強大的銀行及其迷信。它的風水戰爭和與鄰國中國銀行的競爭。
7.皇后大道中 - 香港原有的海岸線及其如何隨時間演變。為什麼英國人選擇在中環建造香港首都呢?現代香港與舊香港的比較。
Hong Kong/China One Country Two System Tour@The Hong Kong Free Tours
In addition, we mentioned several things during the tour. Here are some helpful links if you are interested in learning more about the issues:
(1) Umbrella Movement:
Netflix made a documentary about a teenage activist Joshua Wong who took to the streets in a bid to preserve autonomy from China. He recently finished serving his jail time in Hong Kong…
(2) Hong Kong People's Sorrow during 1989:
We have put in subtitles for a documentary about how people felt during 1989 Tiananmen Square Massacre. This is a video of 15 minutes if you want to know more about the dilemmas of families immigrating to other countries at that time, followed by how the massacre destroyed the hopes of the people.
(3) 3 Years and 8 Months:
The older generation always talks about Japanese Occupation in World War 2 as '3 years and 8 months'. Whilst there are a lot more you can research on the topic, here is 3 minutes worth of memories of a woman recounting her experiences as a child at that time.
(4) Causeway Bay Bookstore Incident
Here's a short 2 minute clip which briefly explains the incident where owners of a bookstore which sells politically sensitive books have 'disappeared' in 2015. This caused extreme anxiety for the people of Hong Kong at that time, as it greatly undermines the principle of 'one country two systems'.
(5) Interpretation of Basic Law:
Beijing has interpreted the basic law 5 times since the handover, effectively amending and making new laws for Hong Kong. I mentioned that most recently, it has disqualified 6 pro democratic legislators from our Legislative Council. Here is a news article from that period to explain the issue in simple terms.
(6) Foreign Correspondents' Club:
導遊不斷提及的Housing affordability,衡量一般家庭所得能負擔的房貸,一直以為台北很高了,但香港卻是超出全球各地太多(ex: 台北9.3/美國3.9/新加坡4.6/香港20.8)。光鮮亮麗的外表背後,香港有很多貧民區的居住環境是難以想像的狹小、雜亂,可這黑暗的促成者,政府卻要負很大的責任。我們行經了金魚街,這裡的店家為了負擔房租要賣出無數條裝在袋子裡的金魚,有的退而求其次選擇樓上租金較便宜的開店。有別於一般遊客的視角,這條導覽路線是從底層翻轉你的感官,帶著沉重與悲傷。
Housing Crisis and Subdivided Living Condition@The Hong Kong Free Tours
I mentioned several things during the tour that you might find interesting: Here are some resources if you like going into the details.
1. According to the 'Annual Demographia International Housing Affordability Survey', for the eighth year in a row, Hong Kong is the least affordable place on Earth. Where does your city stand?
2. In the tour, we mentioned that a second hand 2 bedroom 500 sq feet apartment in Mongkok would cost around HK$8M (~US$1M). What we didn't go into is brand new apartments. How are property developers building new flats to cater to the people's budget? How about introducing premium 'micro apartments' starting at 128 sq feet.
3.The HK government relies a lot on real estate. Revenue from land premium and stamp duty is already bigger than profit tax and income tax combined! And we haven't even included property rates yet! (Data from 2019 - 20 Budget)
4. 76% of our land in Hong Kong is undeveloped, leaving us with only 7% of land zoned for residential use! Scroll a bit further down from the below link to check out the land use analysis pie chart that the Planning Department has collated.
5. The photos of the subdivided space / coffin house I showed you during the tour was taken by a local photographer and published with the help of a not for profit organization called SOCO. You can find out more about the photo album "Trapped" here:
九龍公園、尖沙咀、維多利亞港與香港理工大學 |